What is the different between Breast Ultrasound and Breast Mammogram ?
Confused about which method to choose when further testing is needed?
What is an ultrasound? What is a mammogram?
An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves on the breast and converts them into images.A breast ultrasound is more accurate in women younger than 45 years.
A mammography uses low-dose X-ray to produce breast images known as a mammogram. A mammography is preferred in women older than 45 years.
Therefore, the investigation best suited to you depends on your age, your symptoms, and the structure of your breasts.
根據經驗,乳房超聲檢查對45歲以下的婦女更準確。 對於45歲以上的婦女,乳房X光檢查是首選。
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